Steven Tyler "We're All Somebody From Somewhere" Lyric Video 2016 Release on Dot Records Steven tasked the creative team with creating a lyric video for his new single. We wanted to make it different from “Red White and You” but still have the organic feel where we were creating the original art in front of the camera instead of using typed words and effects. When he mentioned he had a chalkboard, we got very excited. We are huge fans of chalkboard art. It’s fun and refreshing, and what a great pairing with this song! The video was first storyboarded. We knew that we needed to have a guide when we sat down to execute this. We planned it all out, even down to who would draw what parts of each frame and what order they would be drawn in. Once this was approved, we started filming. We used a still camera and a timer that took pictures in 1 second intervals. We started with the first line of the song and worked through the last one. You can see that we gradually broke Steven’s board in for him. It wasn’t brand new…but it definitely looked different when we returned it. We wanted each frame to be a cool piece of art and not just words written on the board. This was important to us. We were limited to some extent by the timing of the song, so we decided to call in a few extra helpers. It was really fun. We laughed a lot. The entire process took about a week total and we ended up with a little over 4200 still photos. Winner - 2016 Gold Davey Award SVP Creative: Sandi Spika Borchetta Director: Becky Reiser Art Director: Becky Reiser Senior Graphic Designer: Justin Ford Creative Coordinator: Seth Hellman Executive Assistant to SVP Creative: Hunter Claire Rogers